Thompson Lake is located in the City of West Saint Paul within the Lower Mississippi
River Watershed Management Organization (LMRWMO). Land use within the watershed
is primarily commercial, institutional, low density residential, and parkland.


Maximum Depth 8 Feet
Lake Size 8.1 Acres
Watershed Size 180 Acres
Lake Classification Shallow
Metro Council Lake Grade C
Thompson Lake Project

Water Monitoring Data

The LMRWMO partners with the Metropolitan Councils Citizen Assisted Monitoring Program

See water monitoring reports for more information.
Contact the LMRWMO Administrator for information on becoming a water quality monitor for a nearby lake or stream.

Lake Impairments

Chloride (Salt)

Excess Nutrients (Phosphorus)

Next Steps

The LMRWMO began monitoring Chloride levels in Thompson Lake to see in 2021 to track year to year trends and seasonal variations in Chloride flushing through Thompson Lake.

Additional Information
The MN DNR LakeFinder has additional information on Thompson Lake.

Water Monitoring Reports

Projects Implemented

The LMRWMO partnered with Dakota County and the City of West St. Paul on the 2018-2019 installation of multiple stormwater projects at Thompson Lake. These projects are expected to provide long term, incremental water quality improvements which will be tracked with continued water monitoring.

Thompson Lake

2018-2019 Thompson Lake Project


We are here to help with your watershed management needs.