Watershed Management Plan

The Lower Mississippi River Watershed Management Organization (LMRWMO) Watershed Management Plan sets the vision and guidelines for managing surface waters within the boundaries of the LMRWMO. The Plan provides data and other background information, outlines the applicable regulations, assesses watershed-wide and resource-specific issues, sets goals and policies for the LMRWMO and its members, and lists implementation tasks to achieve the goals.

2023 LMRWMO Watershed Management Plan

Watershed Management Plan Update

The Lower Mississippi River Watershed Management Organization (LMRWMO) finished developing its 4th Generation Watershed Management Plan in early 2023 to guide the organization through the next ten years. An updated watershed plan is a requirement of the 1982 Metropolitan Surface Water Management Act. Below is information from the plan update process.


The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) met throughout the Plan update process to provide input on LMRWMO activities, priorities, projects, and goals. It was made up of local City staff, as well as technical regional and State agency staff. Below is information on the TAC meetings.

Lower Mississippi River Watershed Management Organization
Lower Mississippi River Watershed Management Organization


The Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) was made up of residents of the LMRWMO and met throughout the Plan update process to provide input on LMRWMO activities, priorities, projects, and goals. Below is information on the CAC meetings.